Commentary on recent messages to Pedro Regis

Pedro Regis is a true visionary, who receives messages truly from the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, he himself has gone astray from the true faith. He has abandoned the dogmas of the First Vatican Council, particularly the indefectibility of the Church, and the dogma that the Roman Pontiff has the gift of truth and a never-failing faith. Here is my rebuke to him in the name of truth. Please listen carefully to the messages he relays to us from Heaven. But also understand that the messenger himself has misunderstood and has sinned against faith, by manifest grave and obstinate sin.

Recall that when David consulted the prophet, to ask if he should build the house of the Lord, the prophet spoke from his own mind, not from the Lord, and he said “Yes” to David. But then the Lord intervened and told the prophet and David, No, you shall not build the house of the Lord. When a visionary speaks from their own mind, they can err, even gravely. Accept the messages, beware of the visionary.

Now let’s examine some of holy Mary’s true messages and prophecies to us recently.


Note: I’ve removed the “ye” from the English translation of the messages. It is unnecessary and distracting.

“A great storm will come and strike the House of God. Stay with the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus and you will not be swept away by the mire of false doctrines. Go forward in defense of the truth.”
[4,964 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/9/2020]

This storm is a rejection of Pope Francis by the conservative Catholic subculture. They will accuse Pope Francis of being, variously, either invalid or a valid Pope who became invalid and/or a heretic, apostate, blasphemer, etc. They will declare that Pope Francis is not the true Pope. They will lead many away from the true faith and the true Church. They already speak and act against the Roman Pontiff. This will get worse. It will become a great figurative storm, which will sweep away many who are weak in faith. They, too, will reject the Roman Pontiff and turn away from the one true Church. For in their pride, they will assume that they are the Church.

True doctrine:
The Church is indefectible. The Pope is indefectible. The body of Bishops is indefectible. These three indefectibilities are One. For the head of the Church, the successor of Peter, cannot defect without the Church herself defecting, but the Church is indefectible. The body of the Bishops, successors of the other Apostles, cannot defect without the Church herself defecting, but the Church is indefectible.

Therefore, any claimed Pope accepted by the body of Bishops as the Roman Pontiff is truly the Roman Pontiff as a dogmatic fact. For if the body of Bishops were to accept a false head, the Church would have defected — which is contrary to the teaching of Sacred Scripture and Jesus Himself that the gates of hell will not prevail over the Church, precisely because She is founded on the Rock.

Pope Francis is the true valid Roman Pontiff, as he has been accepted by the body of Bishops. Whoever says otherwise sins by schism and by heresy against the dogma of the indefectibility of the Church.

Moreover, no valid Roman Pontiff can teach grave error, nor fail in faith by apostasy, heresy, or schism, nor by blasphemy, sacrilege, or idolatry. For the First Vatican Council taught the dogma that the “gift of truth and a never-failing faith” has been divinely conferred on Peter and his successors in this Chair. And the Council taught this dogma from the words of Jesus (Lk 22:32) that He has prayed for Peter (and for his successors) that their faith shall never fail. Dogma from the mouth of Jesus and the First Vatican Council.

Pope Francis can never fail in faith. He also can never teach grave error. His infallible teachings, as when he has participated in the ordinary and universal Magisterium, can never err at all. His non-infallible teachings can err, but never to a grave extent. His opinions on any matter can err, to a greater extent, but never to the extent of a failure of faith; never to the extent of apostasy, heresy, or schism, nor to the extent of idolatry, sacrilege, or blasphemy.

The Storm will be when the conservative Catholic subculture rejects the Roman Pontiff and departs from Communion with him and with the Bishops who are faithful to the Roman Pontiff.

“Mankind walks into the abyss of self-destruction that men have prepared by their own hands…. The enemies will act more and more to turn you away from the Sacred. Be attentive. You walk into great spiritual chaos. Pray. Pray. Pray.”
[4,963 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/6/2020]

This abyss of self-destruction includes the various sufferings of the tribulation which come from human sins: war (including the use of nuclear weapons), civil unrest, famine, death from a variety of causes.

The enemies are the conservative Catholic leaders who reject Pope Francis. Many of them are already in a state of actual mortal sin by their manifest acts of malice against the Roman Pontiff. For malice is always an actual mortal sin. You cannot hate your neighbor with a sincere but mistaken conscience. Many of them are already automatically excommunicated for the sins of apostasy, heresy, and schism, the very sins of which they accuse the Pope. They are the enemies of the Church, yet they pretend to understand and teach the Faith better than the Pope, yet they exalt themselves as judges over the Pope, yet they lead the faithful away from the true Faith to the distorted version of the Faith which they have created by their pride and other sins.

These persons whom the Blessed Virgin Mary calls “enemies” call upon her name in the Rosary, and her response is only to try to correct them. They imagine that she is on their side, and she is only on their side to rebuke them. She calls them enemies of the Church, and so they are.

They turn the faithful away from the Sacred by pretending to turn them toward the sacred. They put forward certain externals — which have their uses in the true faith — such as particular points of liturgical form, whether one receives on the tongue or the hand, whether the priest faces the people or the altar, etc. — as if these were Sacred. When the true Sacred of which Mary speaks is faith in the teachings of Jesus and faith in the true Magisterium. By rejecting the Roman Pontiff and the body of Bishops in communion with him, these enemies reject Sacred and Truth and Faith. Yet they claim to their followers to give them all these things.

“Seek strength in the Words of My Jesus, for only then will you not be deceived by the novelties of the world. Be faithful to the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith burning. My Jesus is with you, although do not see Him. A haunting event will take place in the House of God and many will have their faith shaken. Be attentive. Listen to Me. Whatever happens, do not depart from the truth.”
[4,962 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/5/2020]

The conservative Catholic subculture has taken elements of the faith and exalted these things to be worshiped, and that is a novelty. It is of pride and so it is of this world. The true Magisterium of the Church is always found in the body of Bishops in communion with the Roman Pontiff. The Church, the Pope, and the body of Bishops are indefectible. Have faith in the teachings of the Pope and the Bishops, even if it seems wrong to your own understand of the faith.

Generally, I understand the faith well enough to explain why Pope Francis is right and his critics are wrong. But even when I cannot perceive the answer, I believe. I ask you also to believe, even if his teachings are difficult to understand or seem wrong to you.

Peter about Paul:
{3:15} And let the longsuffering of our Lord be considered salvation, as also our most beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
{3:16} just as he also spoke in all of his epistles about these things. In these, there are certain things which are difficult to understand, which the unlearned and the unsteady distort, as they also do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

The “haunting event” is not known to me. I don’t know what it is. But I know not to abandon faith in the Roman Pontiff.

“The enemies will act. They have the appearance of good, but in truth they are destructive wolves. Be attentive. Remain faithful to the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus, for only then can you remain in the truth. ”
[4,961 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/2/2020]

The enemies will act by rejecting Pope Francis. They will call on the faithful to depart from the parishes and diocese in communion with the Pope. The time that many have spent away from Mass and away from their parishes will make it easier for them to stay away by rejecting parishes faithful to the Pope.

The enemies include priests and popular speakers who are conservative Catholic. Not every conservative Catholic will depart from the Faith. But many will do so. Many priests, whom you readers of mine have long held in esteem (for good reasons) will fail in faith and depart from communion with Pope Francis. Do not follow them. Remain faithful to the true Magisterium of Jesus. These popular priests and speakers have the appearance of good (well, not to my eyes), but they are destructive wolves (which is how I have long seen them).

I will remain faithful to each successive Pope. But if ever I (Ronald L. Conte Jr.) should depart from the Roman Pontiff and the true Faith (or merely appear to have departed by false reports and fake news), do not fear or despair. You follow Jesus and the true Magisterium, not me.

“Dear children, bend your knees in prayer, for many souls will walk in the darkness of false doctrines. There will be a great shipwreck in faith and the pain will be great for My poor children. Stay with Jesus. Defend His Gospel and remain faithful to the true Magisterium of His Church…. In everything, God in the first place. Forward in the defense of the truth.”
[4,960 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/30/2020]

When these arrogant papal accusers reject Pope Francis, they will present their own false doctrines, as a way to rebuke the Pope. (In some cases, they present a true doctrine, and then falsely accuse the Pope of violating that doctrine, when he has not.) Do not be deceived because the false doctrine is conservative. Some truths of the faith are liberal, others are moderate, others are conservative. The correct answer to each and every theological question is not always the conservative answer.

“God is in a hurry. What you have to do, do not leave it for tomorrow.”
[4,959 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/28/2020]

May God give us all that we need to accomplish His will today.

“You will be persecuted for your faith, but the Lord will be with you. The actions of the enemies of the Church of My Jesus will lead many of My poor children to drink the bitter cup of pain.”
[4,957 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/23/2020]

The enemies of the Roman Pontiff will persecute those who defend him. Some of these enemies are priests or Bishops; a few are Cardinals. Some of these enemies are conservative Catholic groups or conservative Catholic publications.

Subsequently, under the next conservative Pope, the liberal Catholics will behave similarly. They will accuse the Pope falsely and depart from the true Church. They will spread false doctrine. They will lead astray many. Always remain faithful to teach Pope and to the body of Bishops, and to all their teachings.

“The enemies act in secret to keep you away from the Full Truth. Be attentive. Do not forget: In everything, God first. Forward in the defense of the truth.”
[4,956 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/21/2020]

I don’t know what they will do in secret. It may be that conservative Catholic leaders are plotting against the Pope in secret, perhaps to falsely accuse him, or to devise a false narrative that make the Pope seems unfaithful or invalid. Do not believe a story about a Pope or Council or conclave merely because it is accepted by a subculture in the Church or even by the mass media.

“Embrace the teachings of Holy Scripture and walk hand in hand with the truth taught by the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. The enemies will cast out great truths of faith and many of My poor children will be contaminated. Whatever happens, stay with Jesus.”
[4,954 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/16/2020]

As I said, the indefectibility of the Church and the Pope is of Sacred Scripture. And now I will explain that the indefectibility of the body of Bishops is also of Sacred Scripture.
{22:32} But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers.”

The First Vatican Council infallibly taught that Jesus prays for each successor of Peter, so that his faith absolutely cannot fail. And I add that, in saying that the Pope, so confirmed in faith, will then confirm in faith his brethren, the body of Bishop, Jesus implies that the body of Bishops has this same never-failing faith — though only as a body, not individually. Trust the body of Bishops. The Roman Pontiff accepted by the body of Bishops is the true Roman Pontiff, and he cannot fail in faith, nor can he teach grave error.

{22:31} And the Lord said: “Simon, Simon! Behold, Satan has asked for you, so that he may sift you like wheat.

Satan is with these enemies of the Church, who imagine themselves to be holier than the Roman Pontiff, who accuse the successor of Peter the way that Satan accused Jesus. You faithful Catholics will all be sifted like wheat, so as to remove any of you who are not truly of the Lord, who are chaff, not wheat. You will be put to the test.

“The devil will act to turn away the brightness of truth from the Church of My Jesus, but through your sincere and courageous testimony, the victory will be of the one and only true Church of My Son. As I have said in the past, always remember that the truth is kept intact only in the Catholic Church.”
[4,953 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/14/2020]

The devils assist these enemies of the Church who accuse Pope Francis, and who will accuse the next Roman Pontiff as well. These enemies will attack the truths of the faith in very many ways. Remain faithful to the Magisterium. Accept even those teachings which are contradicted by your own understand. Faith is greater than reason. Faith can never truly contradict reason, but it can appear to do so. Faith teaches mysteries beyond the comprehension of reason. Live by faith, not by your own understand.

Pray The Prayer of Praise to Saint Joseph

Ronald L. Conte Jr.

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9 Responses to Commentary on recent messages to Pedro Regis

  1. Matt says:

    4,969 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted on 22/05/2020 Google translation
    Dear children, the day will come when men will be confused. The lack of love and respect for the Sacred will cause great confusion in the House of God. Open your hearts, for only then will you be able to separate the chaff from the wheat, the lie from the truth. Seek the Light of God so that you will not be carried away by the mire of false doctrines. Believe in the Divine Words of My Jesus. Do not allow the devil to deceive you and keep you from the truth. I am your Mother and I will always be with you. Whatever happens, stay with the teachings of the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. Accept My Appeals, because only then will you contribute to the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Forward in the defense of the truth. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to meet you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

  2. Matt says:

    4,968 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted on 19/05/2020 Google translation
    Dear children, I am your Mother and I love you. Open your hearts to My Call and I will lead you to My Son Jesus. Humanity is walking spiritually blind because men have turned away from the Creator. Return, repenting, for that is the only way you will be saved. I ask you to be defenders of the truth. The devil will deceive many consecrated people and many of My poor children will seek the truth and in a few places will find it. Confusion will spread everywhere among the faithful and many will walk like blind people to guide other blind people. Bend your knees in prayer. Whatever happens, remain firm in your faith. Accept the Gospel of My Jesus and the teachings of the true Magisterium of His Church. Forward. I am with you, although you do not see Me. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to meet you here again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    In this messages it appears that Our Lady is referring the time of confusion will occur after the Warning, Consolation, and Miracle?

  3. Rob says:

    Way more visionaries are false than true. I take the position that you shouldn’t accept any without extraordinarily good evidence.

  4. Alex says:

    “To deceive if possible even the elect ones” Matthew 24:24
    “They turn the faithful away from the Sacred by pretending to turn them toward the sacred.”
    “In some cases, they present a true doctrine, and then falsely accuse the Pope of violating that doctrine, when he has not”
    “Satan is with these enemies of the Church, who imagine themselves to be holier than the Roman Pontiff, who accuse the successor of Peter the way that Satan accused Jesus.”

    Very well said, Ron!
    Those fanatics endanger the entire image of the Church created by her bridegroom, and the image of God as a merciful Father. They with their fanaticism and lack of any mercy create an image of a “god-tyrant” who looks something like a “bloodthirsty beast” to punish each and everyone, even when his subjects pray to him fervently. What difference with practicing satanists then? Theirs is NOT the God of the Scriptures, God the Father of Jesus!

    Certainly God could not demand those unspeakable blood sacrifices that the spiritual forefathers of those miserable fanatics offered in terms of medieval tortures for days to end up with burning on the stakes? It happened across Europe for centuries, and later in the colonized lands in Americas. Why no one talks about that today? It wasn’t that far in time. The returning of satanic dictatorship like Hitler’s shows the history CAN REPEAT ITSELF in one form or another. What are they different than the bloody Aztecs then? Only, by doing their heinous crimes in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and thus they profane the Holy name and Love of God, thus sinning against the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit at the same time. The triple denial of the Holy God that the Antichrist will make.

    I can’t imagine a better example of what the reign of the antichrist will be, to profane the name and the image of God to the extend to create a fake “god’s” image opposite of Love, a satanic cruel image to be presented as “god” who is deaf and blind for any mercy!

    If the readers think I am outspoken and extreme, actually I am merciful and kind enough not to entering into details of the unspeakable cruelty during the Inquisition. You can google it, it is described in Wikipedia and other sites. And now some of those preachers try to excuse the Inquisition, (I have heard them personally in their gatherings), instead of repenting with ashes for the grave sins the Church has endured exactly thanks to their spiritual forefathers who held positions of power in past centuries! And when the Church tries to take a new course, as on Vatican II, they accuse it of being subdued by satan! How dare! Should we give the power back to their spiritual offspring, the fanatics? Let it be Anathema, would say St Paul.

    1 Corinthians 5 “deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 6 Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.”

    Indeed, it is Christ our Passover who was sacrificed for us! It is not the cruel leaders of a satanic sect who sacrifice the flock for their hideous goals! And I can say more than that, because I have a glimpse where their hideous goals lead to, but it will go out of the scope of the current post. Look at the “heavens” in the night sky and think who populates them. Angels yes, but also we know the devils are also somewhere, and they will come back at Revelation 12. Think about that, when giving credits to false prophets who speak in one voice with the future antichrist, who even perform miracles. Satan also knows some part of the future, and presents it in his own use.

    Jesus is Love! The conservatives often quote Saint Athanasius. And he figured out correctly the divine and human nature of Our Lord by applying the law of His Love! If we apply the same measure of St Athanasius towards today’s cult leaders, they will not withstand it, because they do not have Love, not even human love let alone divinely inspired one.
    And if you are conservative and have Love, don’t worry, there are others like you! Stay united with Peter, and the gates of hell will not overcome you, as they will certainly not overcome the Church that is the people of God!

  5. Rob says:

    What makes you think Pedro Regis is an actual visionary?

    • Ron Conte says:

      The messages convince me that the visionary is receiving true visions from Mary. It sounds like her. I recognize her wisdom and compassion.

  6. Guest says:

    Well if they make everyone say an Ecumenical mass where they don’t say the words of consecration, would your certainty of theology and prophecy change?

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