New Book: The Twelve Papal Charisms

My new book The Twelve Papal Charisms is now available in Kindle and Paperback formats.

This work is a resource for all those who would defend Pope Francis as well as every other Pope and Ecumenical Council. The basis for this defense is the continual teaching of the Church from Her earliest years on the divinely-conferred gifts, called charisms, granted to each and every valid Pope as well as certain charisms which reside in the body of Bishops. These charisms protect and accomplish the indefectibility of the Church as an essential part of the plan of God for the salvation of sinners.

Each of the 12 charisms examined in this book is based firmly on the Church’s ancient and constant teaching. The indefectible Church is founded upon Peter and his successors as on an indefectible Rock, and so the Church can never go astray or lead astray. This indefectibility is denied, explicitly or implicitly, by those who accuse Popes or Ecumenical Councils of grave errors or grave failings of faith. Such accusations are refuted, entirely and thoroughly, by these 12 charisms.

A List of the 12 Papal Charisms

— Authority —
1. The Pope has supreme authority over the one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
2. The Pope has supreme authority over the body of Bishops and every Council.
3. As the supreme judge of the faithful, the Pope can be judged by no one but God.
4. Papal decisions under his supreme authority allow no appeal.

— Indefectibility —
5. The Pope is the indefectible Rock on which the indefectible Church is founded.
6. The Pope has the charism of truth and never-failing faith, making him indefectible.
7. The Apostolic See is unblemished by any grave error, making his See indefectible.
8. The Pope is the head of the body of Bishops, which is indefectible due to this union.

— Unity —
9. The Pope is one Head with Christ over the Church.
10. The Pope is the principle and foundation of unity of the whole Church.
11. The Pope has the charism to teach infallibly, unifying the faithful in one doctrine.
12. Subjection to the Roman Pontiff is from the necessity of salvation, as it unifies the faithful in Christ.

— Ronald L. Conte Jr.

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